Stealing or Backbiting It is a very bad habit to take other people’s things without permission or to keep things things that others have lost.
This is called stealing. It is unlawful for a Muslim to take even a very small thing without the permission of its owner.
The Holy Quran has laid down very severe punishment for people who steal. If everybody followed the instructions of Holy Quran in this matter, there would be no stealing. No one would then have the fear of his things being stolen or robbed. At school or at home or anywhere if you find something that does not belong to you, do not keep it but give it to an elder or your teacher.
Stealing or Backbiting
Backbiting is to speak ill of people when they are not present. Islam commands us not to hurt people’s feelings by passing unkind remarks about them when they are present. It is much worse when we talk ill of them when they are not present. The Quran says that a person who backbites is like one who has eaten the flesh of his dead brother. No one can even think of eating human flesh, let alone the flesh of a dead brother. A good Muslim therefore does not backbite.