Important Personalities of Islam
Hazrat Musa(Alai His Salam)
Hazrat Musa(Alai His Salam) belonged to the tribe of Bani Israel which means the children of Israel. The Bani Israel lived in Egypt and preached the religion of One God. The Egyptians had great faith in magic and fortune telling. One fortune teller told the king that a male child, born in the tribe of Bani Israel would overthrow his kingdom. The king ordered that all male children, born to Bani Israel families should be killed at birth.
During this time, Hazrat Musa(Alai His Salam) was born. His mother was very afraid and prayed to Allah to save her son. According to Allah’s indication, she put the child into a box and let it float down the river Nile. It so happened that this box passed through the stream that flowed by the king’s palace.
The child was found by the queen who adopted him as her son because she did not have a child of her own. She wanted someone to nurse the baby. In the search that followed, the mother of Musa offered her services which were accepted. Many years passed and the child grew up to be a strong young man.
One day, he saw an Egyptian beating up a weak man of the Bani Israel. Hazrat Musa(Alai His Salam) was very upset and hit the Egyptian. The blow was so severe that it killed him. It was now impossible for him to live in Egypt so he went to Sinai where he stayed for many years. After twelve years he decided to return to Egypt with his family.
On a cold night while travelling with his family he saw a fire in the distance. When he went near it, he was addressed by Allah and ordered to go to Firaun, the king of Egypt. He was commanded to free the Bani Israel of the cruelties of Firaun by leading them out of Egypt and to take them to the land of Palestine.
Hazrat Musa(Alai His Salam), along with his followers, departed for the Promised land. They had not gone far when Firaun came to know of their departure. He at once set out at the head of a large army to destroy Hazrat Musa(Alai His Salam) and his people. By then, Hazrat Musa(Alai His Salam) was on the shore of the Red Sea. Acting upon the orders of Allah, he put his staff into the sea and the water parted making a path.
Hazrat Mosa(Alai His Salam), along with his followers, reached the other side safely. When Firaun and his army tried to cross the river, the two parts of water joined together drowning Firaun and his army. They were destroyed and their bodies were thrown on the shore. Hazrat Mosa(Alai His Salam) went to Mount Tur for prayers.
There he prayed for forty days, after which Allah gave him His law and His Book, Taurat. Slowly and gradually, the Bani Israel travelled and came near the Promised land. However, they refused to enter the land. For their disobedience, they were punished by Allah to wander in the wilderness of the woods and deserts for forty years. During this time, Hazrat Mosa(Alai His Salam) passed away.